2.Home Preparation
Attract more attention
We will work with you to unleash your home’s value: making cost-effective improvements, and staging to enhance the value of your home.

3.Inspections & Disclosures
Make things clear
Property and pest inspections will be order for your home. Under California law, sellers face significant liability if they fail to disclose a material issue to a buyer. We will work with you prepare all the disclosures.

Get more exposure
Professional high-end photos will be taken, and graphic designer will work on flyers and brochures to showcase your home. A custom website of your home will be launched, featuring a photo gallery and property information.

5.Open Houses
Show your home
On the first weekend, we provide extended- hours open houses with refreshments. And will do our best to educate buyers and show the best of your home.

6.Offers & Sale
Get the best possible offer
We will work with you through the negotiation process to make sure you get the best possible offer. We will also guide and keep you apprised of all steps during the escrow process.

7.Close of Escrow
&Key Exchange
Finalize the transaction
The sales of your house is official and has been recorded with the county. All keys will be provided to the buyers.